We asked Rachel Barnes, (pictured right ) Head of Supporting Our Children at our partners Blackpool Council to tell us how their experience working with Virtual Memory Box has been so far
1 How would you describe Virtual Memory Box?
VMB is a digital tool that allows us to support Our Children and Care Leavers in collating and storing their important memories. This can be done alongside a physical collection, but we sadly know that these can often get lost or damaged. It differs from a physical memory box in that various people, that are important to that child, can contribute memories.
2 What difference will it make for the children and young people of Blackpool?
We hope that VMB will assist Our Children and Care Leavers to have a more comprehensive and transparent understanding of their time in our care. This is essential in terms of them developing a positive sense of self and identity. These visual memories will help Our Children make sense of their lived experience and the significant decisions that have been made.
3 How has your experience been working with the VMB team so far?
Working with the team has been a very positive experience. Our value base is the same, in that we want to improve outcomes for children in our care and they are very much focused on this in all that they do. They are receptive to suggestions to improve the tool and have been on hand to support us as we have implemented it within our authority.
4 What are your thoughts on the products design and functionality?
The product is easy to use and designed to ensure that even those that aren’t technology whizzes can find their way around it. It doesn’t over-complicate things, but does have some useful functions such as tagging which we will use to evidence preparation for independence for our care leavers, or the ability to comment on memories that others have shared.
5 Would you recommend Virtual Memory Box to other local authorities?
I would not hesitate in recommending VMB to other authorities. The use of technology is far more relevant and accessible for our children and young people. It has also allowed us to hold ourselves to account in terms of what we are saving (or sadly not saving) for Our Children.