Looking back at 2023 – and ahead to 2024

2023 has seen a few firsts for Virtual Memory Box, as after our initial co-production and pilot work with South Tyneside Council, we have very much focused on scaling up, growing out, and working with new partners.

This year we have successfully:

✅ got our full team now in place

✅ started working with several new partners across the country

✅ grown to now reach thousands of young people in care

✅ continued to learn, develop and improve our service with feedback from users

✅ taken part as exhibitors at a national conference for the first time

✅ and, last but not least, – won our very first award!

It’s been a busy year and we’ve definitely been on a learning curve, but it’s all been really positive, and we’re not resting on our laurels – we’re just more determined than ever to fulfil our mission to give every child in care in the UK a Virtual Memory Box.

So, in 2024 we will be:

📦 aiming to work with at least twice as many local authorities

📦 making further improvements including seeing how we can best make use of AI

📦 creating a formal advisory board to continue our practice of co-production and input from users and experts

📦 investigating how we can best support care experienced young people in other ways such as offering employment or training opportunities.

🎄Best wishes from all of us at Team VMB, we hope you have a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year 💚📦