How we support the mental health of children in care

How we support the mental health of children in care

This year’s Children’s Mental Health Week takes place Februrary 3-9th. As more children in care are affected by mental health issues, Virtual Memory Box is supporting Life Story Work, to help young people’s mental health. A report from the Children’s...

Take Five

We asked Rachel Barnes, (pictured right ) Head of Supporting Our Children at our partners Blackpool Council to tell us how their experience working with Virtual Memory Box has been so far 1 How would you describe Virtual Memory Box?VMB is a digital tool that allows us...

Tackling the Digital Divide

September 12th is End Digital Poverty Day, set up by the Digital Poverty Alliance to raise awareness and help gather support to tackily this issue.In developing Virtual Memory Box digital poverty was one of the issues we were very aware of and came to understand and...
Now We Are One…

Now We Are One…

It’s been one heck of a year since we established ourselves as an independent SaaS company, and as we celebrated our first birthday we also took time to reflect on our journey so far… We set out ambitious plans for 2024 at the beginning of the calendar year,...

Shortlisted in APSE Awards

We are very proud that Virtual Memory Box has been shortlisted with our partners South Tyneside Council in the APSE Awards celebrating excellence in public service. 🎉It’s a fantastic achievement to just get on the shortlist and we are delighted for our long term...